Join the Skills Network
We're seeking partners in cities or regions across the country.
Explore the impact of bringing the Skills jobs-first workforce approach to your city.
In nine years, Skills sites in Chicago & Rhode Island have connected 13,000 under- and unemployed job seekers to meaningful employment with over 100 companies, contributing to more than $307.3M of cumulative economic impact—with a commitment to historically-underserved communities.
Be a part of placing over 500,000 individuals into jobs with leading businesses and 25% of Fortune 500 companies over the next 10 years.
Increase economic mobility for the for thousands of unemployed and underemployed individuals in underserved neighborhoods
Align employers' hiring needs with diverse, job-ready talent while working with local workforce organizations
Access data, expertise, and resources to implement a jobs-first approach
Connect to a network of national employers already working with Skills